Manoa Exchange

Manoa Exchange


Manoa Exchange is created for University of Hawai’i students who are interested in studying abroad. Whether you have experience studying abroad or not, this platform can be beneficial to you. It provides a space to get connected with other prospective exchange students, allowing sharing of experiences and perceptions about the exchange programs offered at the University of Hawai’i. Users are given the ability to browse and create posts, save posts, filter posts and users, learn about studying abroad, and aids in preparation for your trip. It provides a hub of resources in the form of relevant links to the Manoa International Exchange, Study Abroad Center, National Student Exchange, and more!

Developmental Progress and Milestones

My team of five students (shout out Kelly, Lauren, Josiah, and Richard!) tracked our progress through three Milestones. This gave our project structure and deadlines to adhere to, in order to insure timely completion of our project. Milestone 1 was focused on implementing a user experience, that is to say the “front matter”, or the outward design of the website, without the functionalities just yet. We also created a profile collection using Mongo DB to hold data related to each user profile. During Milestone 2, we implemented an admin page, signed in homepage, post and profile components, add/save post components, and improved styling. Milestone 3 included improved forms, the upload widget to add images, and filtering features in the homepage to make the viewing experience better on mobile.

My Contributions

My contributions to this project are; creating the navbar and footer, implementing Cloudinary to posts page for uploading images to the website, rerouting page links, fixing CSS throughout the website, and improving the overall look of the website on mobile.

Learning Objectives

This was my first time creating a project as a team, and it taught me the importance of communication, teamwork, and meeting deadlines in order to all do our part as team members. This project is reflective of real world job experiences in the field of Computer Science, and was a beneficial experience to my portfolio and my overall education. I enjoyed working with others and learning from them. Furthermore, working as a team made a large endeavor feel plausible. Many minds are greater than one.

Project Page

GitHub Organization

Deployed Manoa Exchange website