Kayla-Marie Torres


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024. I have a B.A. In Sociology.

Interests: Big Data, Data Analysis, Software Engineering, AI/ML, Sociology & Public Health


Imposter Phenomenon Pilot Analysis Report 2024

Exploring differences in physiological and behavioral measures between individuals with ADHD and Typically Developing during code comprehension.

Undergraduate Research Data Analysis Jupyter Notebook Imposter Phenomenon Attention-Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Manoa Exchange 2023

Manoa Exchange is a study abroad web application for University of Hawai'i students.

Manoa Exchange GitHub JavaScript HTML/CSS Cloudinary Digital Ocean Study Abroad

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A-Maizing Research 2023

Phenotypic plasticity within a single maize cultivar in response to multiple abiotic stressors.

Undergraduate Research R Studio Poster

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SOC 491: Discussion Group Leader–Freshman Seminar 2020

Lead a freshman seminar section of Sociology and met weekly with students.

Sociology Teaching Experience

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Semantic Embedding Overview

15 May 2024

What are Semantic Embeddings? Semantic embeddings are the process of converting words, phrases, or whole documents into numerical form, a.k.a. vectors, so that it can be processed by computers. Vectors can represent in mathematical form meaning, or semantic relevance. They...

Large-Language Models Chat GPT Semantic Embeddings Vector Space Modeling

Code and Conscience: Ethics and Responsibility & Open Source Development

12 Dec 2023

In a time when digital innovation is becoming more and more relevant, an important conversation comes up – what is open-source software really about? and, what role does ethics play in software engineering? Have you ever considered the pivotal role...

Open Source Software Ethics in Software Engineering

Design Patterns in Software

26 Nov 2023

“Patterns help newbies acquire the hard-won experience of ninjas.” What are design patterns Design patterns in computer science are proven solutions to common problems that programmers face when designing software. Imagine you are building a house. When architects design houses,...

Design Patterns Singleton MVC Observer Factory Pub-Sub Prototype Front Controller

The Power of UI Frameworks

05 Oct 2023

A user interface (UI) is a medium or platform through which a user interacts with a computer, software application, website, or electronic device. It serves as the point of communication and interaction between the user and the system, allowing users...

User Interface Bootstrap 5 HTML CSS Semantic UI

ESLint and The Journey to Quality Code

20 Sep 2023

Standards are established criteria or guidelines that provide consistency, reliability, and consistency across various fields, facilitating uniformity and quality assurance. I was pondering on a question earlier this week – why do we need coding standards? Why are we going...

Coding Standards ESLint IntelliJ JavaScript

Inquiring Minds, Smart Outcomes

06 Feb 2016

Are all questions considered valid? The ability to communicate is one of a software engineer’s greatest assets on her coding path to digital enlightenment. Due to how complicated the nature of computer science can get, learning how to ask questions...

Questions Answers Stack Overflow